Monday, 14 July 2014

Day 5 - Rest day at Yulara

Slept in a bit this morning. Great nights sleep. Much warmer than it had been the last few nights. Whilst it was a rest day we had a few things to get done.

Tyres needed to be changed along with some basic maintenance.

1 down, 1 to go

With that out of the way it was off to see the rock. This thing was an amazing spectacle from a distance, and it was even better from up close. There is something unearthly about it.

Old Olga put on a good show too.

We only did 120 k's today but it felt like more. These seats are shit.
The rest of the day was spent walking around. Over to do some groceries for the coming days and a bit of sight seeing. Picked up some souvenirs and post cards.

We scored a beer from a fellow camper who used to ride back in the day. It went down real nice. After dinner we went to find him to share our cheese and dips but he'd already gone to bed. We did catch up with him the next morning though.

Dinner was chicken and veg. Lots of veg, this was to pre prime us for the coming veggie free days.

My happy shirt. Trent was just glad I was wearing pants.

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